FAQ about SmartEssay Services

  • How fast can you complete my assignment?

    Our minimum deadline is 8 hours. However, if you need the assignment to be completed earlier, please contact our support team and tell them your deadline. As an exception, we can do our best to deliver the paper earlier.

  • Is using your service confidential?

    SmartEssay.org values your privacy and confidentiality. In order to create a profile on our website we will need some personal information like your first and last names, email, and so on. However, we assure you that they will never be revealed to anyone.
    For more information, do not hesitate to view our Privacy Policy.

  • Can you do something if I am not satisfied with my paper?

    Of course! Our primary goal is your total satisfaction. You are welcome to ask for unlimited revisions for up to 10 days after your final deadline. We will do our best to adjust your paper based on your comments and requirements!

  • Do you have a money-back policy?

    Our company always does everything possible to deliver the highest quality papers on every occasion. We are also ready to work with the customer after we delivered the paper, offering revision options. However, if a situation occurs when we cannot reach consensus with the quality of the final product, we have a fair refund policy. Usually our dispute managers offer terms that satisfy both sides.
    For more information, kindly visit the pages on our Money Back Guarantee and Revision Policy.

  • Do you guarantee a 100% unique content?

    All our papers are completely original. We have a reliable plagiarism checking system that allows us to check the plagiarism level. At the point of receiving the paper, you can be confident that it is 100% unique, all sources are properly included and cited.
    However, remember that if you order editing/proofreading or formatting, you must guarantee that the initial paper is not plagiarized.

  • Do you have a database of pre-written papers?

    All our papers without any exceptions are written precisely based on your instructions. We guarantee that each order is handled individually by our professional writers and is not pre-written.

  • Can you write my paper according the APA 6-th edition guidelines?

    Of course. We can write your paper according to the latest demands in APA, MLA, Chicago/Turabian, Harvard or any other formatting style as long as you provide us with the necessary requirements.

  • How do I attach extra materials to my order?

    When filling out the order form, attach all the necessary files. If you have not done it or forgot, you can write to the support service on our website and attach all the necessary files. You are also welcome to send us your materials on our email: [email protected] and specify your order number.

  • How do I login if I forget my password?

    All you have to do is click on the “Forgot password?” on the sign in page. You will receive a randomly generated password on your email that you will be able to change at any time.
    In case you are having problems, you can simply reach one of our Customer Support Representatives to guide you.

  • Who will be assigned for my order?

    We select a writer for each order based on his or her availability, area of expertise and the category, selected by you on the order form. Because of this History assignments are written by experts with background in history, while Economics assignments are prepared by professionals in Economics.

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